Sunday, 4 November 2012

Improving PR for maximum Adsense Revenues

As discussed earlier also the key to maximum adsense revenues is through a high Google Page Rank (PR). This results in a higher traffic for the bog/website which increases the CTR of the adsense ads culminating in a increased revenue. Thus you might say increase PR and everything is taken care of... Yes this might be the case in Utopia but increasing PR is no joke. This has now evolved into an art-form and books are being written on the subject. While this post is no lengthy testament but still here I try to bring to you some of the tips and tricks that will definitely increase your PR on popular search engines.

  1. Keywords: Keywords research is a very important aspect of the quest for higher PR. You must know what your audience is searching for on popular search engines and the search results should have your site/blog in a prominent position. Using common words and phrases for which there might be hundreds of other sites, may prove to be useless as you will end up competing with more well known websites and your PR will never increase. Therefore, try and use uncommon phrases and these should still cover what your audience will use while searching for it. It is confusing, but hell, this is how it works - You must use uncommon words but they must be in most search queries. You can use free online tools to search for what the world is searching for - they can be found here and hereamong others.
  2. Title Tag: Title tag is very important for Google. Google search algorithm looks for Title Tag (Anything between the tags) and considers it to be the most relevant and important part of the web page it spiders. This is the underlined text that appears in the Google search results. The important thing here is to keep it descriptive enough as well as to pack in all the keywords that you have discovered through the tools described above.
  3. Description Tag: This gives the information about the content of the web page and appears immediately below the Title in the search results. This should of course be descriptive in nature and also pack in some of the lesser of the keywords discovered above.
  4. Domain Name: Ideally your domain name must carry the keywords of the website as it gives a definitive boost to the PR of the website. If the keywords are not present in the domain name then the relevancy of your website is lost with respect to the search query (for the search engine)
  5. Content: It cannot be reinforced anymore that the "Content Is King". Your site/blog must have relevant content if you want your site to be successful. Forget PR, if you pack your site with relevant keywords and use many other fringe techniques your PR might increase, but if your site lacks good relevant content then users to the site will never come back. Repeat visitors for the backbone of any website's traffic.
  6. Linking: Your site must be linked with other similar sites or other sites having content of the similar subject. This is very important as Google looks for other sites linked to your site while deciding on the relevancy of your site with respect to others. The links can be of two types - One way and Two way. One way links mean that the other site links to your site but does not ask for a corresponding link to itself on your site. These links are hard to get for startups and for them the second types are more relevant. Here you find sites which are on similar subjects as your site and ask them to feature links to your site on them and in return you feature their links on your site. This is mutually beneficial and very effective in PR as well as general traffic building. You can use this tool to check whether the site your are going to link to has any links to bad sites. This is important because Google penalizes sites which link to bad sites.
  7. There is no Short-Cut: Above all please keep in mind this is no fast food. You will not begin to see results immediately after taking the above steps. The results will only come after sustained eforts by you. It is also possible that the above worked for me but may not work for you, so you must be patient and devise your own strategy for getting that elusive better PR.

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