Sunday, 4 November 2012

Online Money making - Myths and remedies

I have seen many a posts on the internet where people are complaining that they have not made any serious money although they have been religiously posting on their blogs and using site monetizing techniques. People need to understand that earning moneythrough full time blogging is a very difficult and tedious process and not everybody is made for it. I present below some of the associated myths and remedies thereof...

  • Just setting up a website and thinking that now the money will start falling through the roof is downright stupid - it will never happen.
  • Similarly, just adding Google Adsense code into your website will not ensure ringing cash register, a lot needs to be done and believe me, its very hard work.
  • Do not believe in people saying that they are making six-figure incomes just by adding adsense into their website and working two hours a day - Its a white LIE.
  • Your website needs real content for it to make some money. Small 1-5 page websites can never make the kind of money those emails promised.
  • Plagiarism is a strict no-no, it will never even be listed on popular search engines.
  • I have seen many ads delivered to my email, selling 1-2 step websites. Never fall for them, they are lying and you will never make any money buying them... stay away from them.
  • You need to have passion for the medium if you are serious about setting up an online business. The activity of creating websites that millions go to needs dedication and a lot of tecnical skills.
  • Before monetizing your website/Blog make it popular. Only about 10% of people click on ads (If you are very lucky). That means if only 100 people are visiting your website every day, then you might get at maximum about 10 clicks - which translates into $1 (again, if you are lucky).
  • Go for niche interests for which not much information is available online. This ensures more traffic and hence more income.
  • You must have a working knowledge of HTML, so that you are not dependent on your developers for making small changes in the website.
  • Post regularly - This is very important. You must post new content on the website/ blog for people to visit it again and again. This builds traffic as also it results in improving your site position on the search results. Ideally you should post everyday, but posting quality content once a week is also very good.
  • And last but foremost is that you must have a flair for writing. Bad writing skills will not take you far in this field. Grammatical and spelling mistakes are very bad for a budding writing career in the blogosphere.
If you like the above post please do post your comments here so that I can improve on my future posts

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